Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Course I am teaching Online- Alla Prima

After a week in Cincinatti filming at F&W Publication's studios, I am happy to announce we have produced what I think is a most practical and useful four week online course, "Alla Prima Bootcamp- Four Weeks to Confident Painting"

In my travels and teaching, workshops, I very often hear remarks about my direct brushwork and color marks, making it seem easy.

In this course, I break down setting up the palette for control, how to hold and handle the brush for efficiency and feel in direct attack.  I share near 35 years experience, tips, advice and insights.  We begin the first two weeks with emphasis on avoiding the "mid-values" crisis, and then third week a fun yet perhaps intimidating brushwork exercise.  Session two of that same third week, I demonstrate then what I call "deconstructing" or destroying...a breaking of edges, form to envelope the subject with air...atmosphere, finishing with rebuilding...and yet in traditional "alla prima" fashion, a painting done start to finish in one sitting.

The last week shows how to apply a color mood to a subject that has changed, or just doesn't have the mood you wish. Often in setting up one's gear...the light and color held a compulsion, but then once starting the light suddenly changes...leaving a flat "oh danggit!" feeling...and you drudgingly just paint what you see disappointed.  I will show, how to not lose that moment of inspiration, by use of simple color palette strategies.

example of local color (observed from life)-

Example same scene, same season...but playing with a different color mood-

Check out the link on Artist Network University as the first run of the course begins March 7th...

Four weeks of instruction, video download, and a followup of my personal thoughts and critique end of each week.

Watch the trailer, be sure to click on the tabs that provide everything you need to know!!!

Artist Network University- Alla Prima Bootcamp

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