Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lots of stuff to catch up, painting in Michigan's UP...Marquette area

My wife took this pic of me painting...looking across the small lagoon, in particular a local fish house, where fresh fish caught for the day come, and locals...tourists come to buy, smoked fish included...

Here is the you can see, I am focusing on a small area to expound upon...and someone came up halfway into my painting saying I forgot to add boats. Well, anytime you paint there are a half-dozen or more narratives or things that could be painted at any location, I maintain...but you must stick to your compulsion, what NOT to paint more important than what to paint. I did add just a couple boats, some distant masts to give reference to the fish house..

there was a festival going on in the park behind us, and a semi-trailer that converted to a band stage. I always get the urge to wish I was playing when I hear bands, but it was a lot of fun hearing some good music while painting!

This one shows my initial blockin...and, then below the final work... 14"x 18" oil on linen simply called, "The Fish House"

I had injured my hand when my chocolate lab female on her lead took me off my feet, wrapping her leash around my left ankle. Happening so fast, thanking God for natural reflect to break my I didn't hit my head, but messed up the base of my right thumb and wrist. Now, 14 days later still wearing a brace. I returned to the cabin we have a week later to get work done, wearing my brace...but then doing another painting which will be next post...

As always, images will enlarge when clicked on...

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