Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dead Tree...Lake Michigan shores...WIP

a chance to work a bit more today...but neglected to bring my camera with other than my smartphone.  So, took a picture anyway.

The linen is taped to a board, with intentions to stretch or glue down later...so there are shaded ripples which account for value changes, and to the right of the tree is a bit of muted grayed water, which is not like that. 

Having said that...I added textures to the sands, values and more dead branches to the tree...worked the distant shoreline and trees, and nearer water reflection...
Not done...but getting there...


Ron Guthrie said...

This is a fine piece of work here Larry. I dig that background. It supports the beautiful work done in the foreground but has a beauty all it's own....sort of like great work supporting great work....and when that happens the entire paintings is working. Excellent!

MAry Brown said...

Thanks for this post, it’s a great topic.painters edmonton

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Ron...Gexton...