More gouache...(where are the oils?)...but, preparing for the webinar on using gouache...
4"x 10" gouache on #400 series Strathmore...
(I know a lot of gouache works, where are the oils??? But...preparing for a webinar on working with gouache)..
this is a session I did not finish in one setting...
started a bit later tonight while watching "Taken" with my wife here at home. I kinda listen...and glance at the television ever so often...
But...teaching comes early in the morning. IF it were a Friday night or weekend, I'd keep working..
This reveals a stage of squinting eyes, putting down swaths of color/value as blocking in. I'll finish next setting and share finished work here...
Very nice painting, again, Larry. Really like your design and choice of colours.
thanks Darrell..
I should nearly do a run of gouache works left at this more abstract stage and see where such experimentation goes. Such things don't have to define an artist, which many fear...but I think moving out of one's comfort zone may, with its perceived risks... be informing...
Its hard for me to leave such alone...knowing where I can yet bring it...yet, when I see even this, there is a charm to it even at this stage that appeals to my eyes. Like the barest of bare bone essentials...
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