Thursday, July 21, 2011

Video Trailer of our recent Alaska Workshop!

We are already in the planning stages of a couple workshops in Alaska for next summer.  Yes...there are workshops and have been for sometime in Tuscany, Italy...and taking nothing away from that.  Yes...workshops in California...and wonderful as well.  I look forward to painting and teaching in those locations one day.  But listen...if you have never EVER visited Alaska know there lies something inside you...something similar to a bucket list that says..."this is the last great wilderness" on earth, and you hope one day to go.

How better to experience Alaska...than with other artists?  Thru the eyes of the locals?  I guarantee you....from the time your plane touches down, 'til you mouth is in the dropped position.  Call it spiritual shock and awe!  You will intend and purpose to visit again because that is how powerful Alaska affects you!  You have time...from now til next put a little away here, a little away there and come experience an amazing amazing time!

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