Wednesday, January 06, 2010

4th Session...Oil Portrait granddaugher Ava 12"x 9"

scraped down...not as much this time, laid a layer of
copal medium over the painting...then mixed up color
and began scumbling and repainting. Having put the
hints of color in bolder brushwork earlier, now working
to soften edges and look to get a more fresh younger
effect...much work yet to be done. Worked on hair a
bit too, feeling pretty good about it at this point..


SEILER said...

Comn' together Dad!

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Jason..

I'm not pushin' a deadline on this, and will be painting this one more leisurely. Building it up, scraping back and bringing it to the finish I'll be satisfied with.

I'm enjoying what is possible by applying a thin layer of copal over the dry work just before painting, and scumbling/applying color into it. Seems like endless possibilities and total control, the work never being allowed to take over, get out of hand.

Doesn't fit my alla prima personality really of the past 15 years or so...but, I'm comfortable knowing the final work's aim is to have a spontaneity to it that suggests it was done with ease.