Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Stec Farm...Armstrong Creek, Gouache Plein Air

Had a couple hours before the time I needed to
get to my tree stand tonight (saw three deer tonight, last night). Found this lovely light
and very inviting old barn in the Armstrong Creek area
here in NE Wisconsin.

My first attempt using gouache for a plein air, on
140lb Cotman watercolor paper. A very pleasant and
satisfying day!

Clicking on the image will bring up a larger view.


SEILER said...

Man, you're really tearing it up with the gouahce, very cool!

...Larry said...

thanks Jason...
I think its directness and natural tendency to be a bit more abstract (for me anyway in the way I'm using it right now) will help me pull out of the oils more what I've been seeking...

that's the hope and plan anyway...