Monday, August 13, 2007

Workshop Over...Great time!!! Great people...

Well...anticipation seems to drag time on when waiting
for something, and then in a flash its over. Had the privilege
this past weekend working with artists from Minnesota,
southern & northern Wisconsin and Illinois...meeting first
for dinner at one of my northern restaurant haunts. Could
tell right off this was going to be a great group of folks to
work with.

Here was our parting shot, one had to take off early before
we thought to grab the camera...

...and to read more about the workshop, the participants...
and see some pics, follow this link
where I have posted the event in my artist helps forum.

I painted several demos over the workshop time together
but will have to give each some attention to tweak and
finish. A workshop of course isn't about finishing the
work necessarily for the artist...but to demonstrate and
attend to helping the others...

all 9"x 12"...last two are split-comp palette driven-


Kath Schifano said...

I've been using acrylics mixed with gesso to tone my canvases, and found that 'being brave' with color mixes causes happy accidents-complementary colors create interesting warm & cool neutrals. On site, I pick from my canvases-the pinker one or the cooler one, streaky lines or smooth-oh the choices! I can brighten or dull colors by selecting the correct underpaintings.


Larry Seiler said...

a lot can be done with few pigments but just the right undertone or underpainting

I concur, Kath...

Tim Bye said...

Great work - you really understand colour Larry!