Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Artist Son, Jason...lands distinction Painting Time Mag Cover..Person of the Year

Some very exciting son, Jason painting the Pope, for the cover of Time Person of the Year.  His phone has been buzzing all day, name it.  He also painted Snowden, in the event that Time staff would have selected him as person of the year...

Check out the article of Time, featuring Jason...below painting.  So proud of him!!!

Jasons Time Profile Article...


Sheriart said...

This is a great article. Congratulations!

Yorky said...

Congratulations to Jason. You have a talented son Larry. What a great honour.

Larry Seiler said...

thank you both, yes...a nice achievement for Jason..

Matt H. said...

Wow - that is such an honor! Congratulations to both of you!

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Matthew