Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Laurel Lake...

Took my boat to the Three Lakes chain about 35 miles north of where I live...putting in at Laurel Lake, and anchored off to paint this 9"x 12" oil on Arches Huiles paper for oils.

the following pics are a reference (proving photos are poorer to paint from than being on location), and my palette of premixed colors based on dark, mid and light values...and my painting progress showing some of the reddish undertone I gave my support...


Ron Guthrie said...

Great job on this one Larry. I like the backlit cloud work...very cool.

What!? No pics of the boat??? That's my dream, build a small boat, maybe a dory hull, and go painting from the water level...also a great way to get killer ref material down in Los Angeles the fun of being on a boat, hahaha.

Always good work coming off your easel Larry.

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Ron...
Hhmm...I posted a pic from about as far back in the boat as I could...forget where I posted that one. was fun. I am thinking maybe next year investing in a kayak, which might be more convenient at some venues, and places to haul around. just have to decide if I want a sit on, or sit in. they make some nice fishing type sit on...

appreciate your time commenting, thanks Ron...