Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fumee Falls...Quinnesec, Michigan

Traveled over to Quinnesec, Michigan today...37 degrees, sunny...and closest thing to spring so far this year.  Had to paint.

Brought my new pochade, a Sierra design...using plans from artist Bob Perrish.  The painting is 10"x 8" ..oil on a pumice panel.

Intending to play with a triad palette strategy for awhile...picking a dominant purer chroma, the other two of the triad notably less.  For example, this was painted with cobalt yellow ocre as my yellow, and a grayed down white.  Please with the results of this one.  Should be an interesting journey experimenting with this for awhile

My new box from the side...Sierra..on a Bogen tripod


Larry Seiler said...

thank you...have been caught up on various social network sites...and teaching. That and neglecting to post work I've been doing.

John VanHouten said...

Great painting as usual. How do you transport the wet panel when you're done painting?

Larry Seiler said...

Hi John....thanks for commenting. I have some flats that are cut, designed to be cardboard boxes, otherwise I use pizza boxes, putting some masking tape on the surface and press the painting down.

Someday I'll probably invest in a fancy nice wet panel holder...but, I found if you ask a pizza restaurant, carry out for a couple boxes, they are usually quite helpful.