I originally painted this 36"x 48" at the Mill Pond locally a couple years ago, and having painted some teal on it this afternoon...I'll have to haul the large piece to the pond sometime this week to finish the setting to my liking. Good oil copal medium will make sure this baby is dry in time. I have to deliver it August first...
Here's the set up today...my truck tailgate. You see my paint boxes, and a sketchbook propped up for references/referral...

...my sketchbooks, some are quite gestural...but enough information.
Sorta like dictation...
Here then is the work after this afternoon, and I suppose unusual for work done plein air like this to then having a go back into it to add something like waterfowl...
I tried to keep the detail minimal, the ducks more painterly...to stay in character of the painting...
And a closer view of the ducks...greenwing teal...
So...now I'll have to wait and see what the weather will allow for me this week. Heard rain tomorrow...
Look sgreat to me Larry
fellow artist :0)
Thanks Jason....appreciate that affirmation coming from one having your talents
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