Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Batch of Works on Sale...oil paintings

8"x 10" oil Gooseberry Falls- Emphasis brevity!

After painting on location at Gooseberry Falls in northern
Minnesota, and several paintings that followed, a particular
familiarity and dare I say "expertise" or notion of the
place settles into your being. Such repeat visits & efforts
in paint bring you to a place where you whittle down what
is not absolutely essential to the barebones. Compare the
above to this earlier version...and you'll better see what
I am saying-

In addition to an exercise in brushwork, the top piece is
an experiment also in pushing for another implied mood of
nature thru color.

Very pleased with the results of that work, but also it
pleases me to make it available at a greatly reduced price,
along with a number of other works...which can be found on
my Will Paint for Gas! blogspot!

Note...link here also on my permanent list of links to the

With the costs of fuel going up, I like everyone else am
experiencing the balancing out of what activities, what
destinations are in order. Since I paint outdoors often,
I felt it best to let some pieces go to help offset some
of my expenses. A chance to snap up a few of my pieces at
lowest most affordable prices will be a win win proposition
for both of us...until the economy balances out again.


SEILER said...

Glad to see you're back posting again . . . . awesome stuff Dad, I really like that colors in the background on the second painting . . . amazing!

...Larry said...

yep..thanks Jason..
helps to be connected, helps to start gettn' on top of projects that require attention, and get them behind opening up more time...

Billy Guffey said...

Good to see you online again, Larry.. Been checking in every so often. It's always a pleasure to see new work from you.

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Bill...

in some ways a new house is moving forward, but it requires starting over in many areas, which in practicality is like stepping backwards. So, nice to be up and running again.

thanks for stoppin' by, and commenting...much appreciated

Helen Read said...

Great idea, Larry! Hope your new blog is wildly successful! We need you to continue to go to the beautiful places you go in order to paint! :) You have some beautiful works here!

...Larry said...

Thanks Helen..
changing directions as I did nearly 14 years ago to paint outdoors, the habit is now so ingrained...I believe my sanity and spirit nearly demand it!

If I need to sacrifice works for the cause...it is yet a good sacrifice measured by the smiles and warmth on the receiving end.

thanks for stopping by, commenting...
