Sunday, March 02, 2008

YouTube demo- Making Most of Your Brushwork!

This is a nine minute time lapsed video instruction geared to
helpin you learn to make the most of your brushwork.
A direct alla prima wet on wet approach..."brushstroke laid, a
brushstroke stayed" method.

I used a simple object such as a spent tube of Naples Yellow, to
further illustrate that an exercise does not need to be elaborate;
one need not agonize over the subject to paint. The purpose is
to improve...hope you'll find the demo interesting and helpful!

After viewing it once, you may want to view again, but this time
note how many different ways (unconsciously) I will hold the
brush. Quite often I cradle the brush in my hand between the
thumb and fore fingers, which uses more arm and shoulder,
and gives a greater delicate feel and control. At times I'll switch
to a grip similar to holding a pencil, for a more precise and
critical mark to be made.

I found it interesting in re-watching myself, how often I do
change position. This will come in time...
Enjoy.... !

Oh....and do click on the still image of the painting, and see a
much larger nicer inspection of the piece and its brushwork!

This work available on my "Will Paint for Gas" blog for under
$100...see my link on this blog.


SEILER said...

Great demo dad, and awesome painting!

RogerPf said...

Great demo Larry.

Could you please allow OpenID users to comment and not just google account users . You change this from the Setting tab in blogger - select Registered Users instead of just Users with Google Accounts.

Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Larry for turning on Open ID. It is usefull for folks who have many blogs on different subjects and can then "sign in" with the appropriate blog and so others commenters can quickly get to the thoughts / work and ideas of the new commenter.

Saddly Blogger goes not fetch the OpenID users image - yet -

rob ijbema said...

really enjoy seeing your video demo's Larry,very impessed by the gitaar play too,expect it is yours?
the top of the tube works well with the paint sitting in there,not surprised you used napels yellow!

Larry Seiler said...

thanks for alerting me to that option, Roger.... !

thanks Rob...still learning, stretching or challenging myself on those key places for really thick paint to strategically be laid to sit. Does make for intrigue and adds punch.

I have a few cd's out musically, one is completely acoustic modern folk instrumental, and five songs recorded into a new one...
nice to hear thoughts on it..thanks much!!!

Jeff Mahorney said...

Larry, That was great. I love your demo. Nice production value too. :)

Kathleen Pequignot said...

I have been a big fan of yours on wetcanvas for quite some time. What a treat to see you emphasize limited brushwork. I tend to favor acrylics, mostly because I haven't mastered limited brush strokes yet, and oils frustrate me since they dry so slowly. I'm sure if I worked on limiting my brush strokes, I would have a better experience with the oils. I have your limited palette list in my notebook, and I hope to purchase the exact oil paint colors that you suggested on wetcanvas. Thanks for sharing your skills with us!

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Jeff...much appreciated!!!

thanks, a fan! 8^)

Interestingly...I have the ability to paint my acrylics much quicker now, and with more brushwork suggestive realism thanks to painting with oils.

I used water as a medium with my acyrlics...used synthetic rounds and built up layers and layers of careful rendering. After years of painting with oils, much of what I learned with oils I've been able to apply to acrylics.

thanks for dropp'n by...keep painting!

Lotus_Eskimo said...

I alawys enjoy listening to your instruction on You tube and your blog, truely you add something to the art world, and something that is dearly lacking, the very real effect that nature has.
I agree that the brushstoke is something to be perfected.
I'am a beginer acrylics painter.