Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Online Plein Air four week course- Foundations

Beginning September 11th...I will be teaching an online virtual classroom course for Artist Network University.  A new venture for me, again with F&W Publications (North Light Shop, Artist Magazine, Wetcanvas...etc)  What will be nice, for those that took my Go To Meeting by not being live, but all materials accessible to participants take the course as you are ready.  No two in the morning sessions if you are in the UK...just get up, put on the coffee...enjoy the comfort of your PJ's...and study.  There will be links to look up, videos to watch, assignments...and then each weekend I will do at minimum a two hundred work critique on your work.

Not sure yet what the fee will be, but something I imagine like around $120 to $140...for the four week course.  

When I travel, and teach workshops...I average about $120 per person per day...typically a deal for a week long workshop at $500...or $240 for a weekend.  Here you get four weeks, material to go over,, reflect, videos...etc., and get direct feedback from me.  I really like the in-person face to face workshops, the travel...etc, but surely this is the next best thing...and YOU don't have to travel, worry about getting put up, rental cars...on and on.  The comfy space of your own home...or on your travels with wifi and your laptop...on and on advantages!

I plan on doing at least two plein air courses.  The first is foundations...well, sorta...
The ultimate on foundations I have already done Go To Meeting...and you can purchase that material from North Light Shop...
Strategies to Improve Your Work...or as I like to say, For Reasons Paintings Work!

For $39 you get a download of the entire series, plus my outline and study notes, and a 45 minute plein air demonstration of painting an Impressionist style last hour's light.

Okay, this virtual Artist Network series is going to seriously help artists where I think most struggle...what I call a "midvalues crisis"....

Having participated in quite a few plein air events, competitions, meeting a lot of eager dedicated painters...I see what I believe is a very common problem.  A lack of enough variation in the values.  Converting many paintings to much of the painting nears the midvalue range and lacks contrast punch.  Enough that really would grab the viewer's eye.

The exercises and assignments of this series will push you...and help you get command of stronger use of value.  Emile Gruppe once said that near any color scheme can be used so long as the good strong use of values anchors the picture.  The very illusion of painting is its convincing sense of, near and back there...but a midvalues crisis flattens the work and thus robs the work of its believable intriguing sense of air, space...atmospheric perspective.

My offering of the next plein air course to follow, will be advanced working of color palette strategies, the placement of accents to heighten visual excitement and anchor the focal point, and the critical push toward mastering brushwork and edges...

Hope you'll sign up when I have more information to give you...but look for it soon...!

*click on image to see larger

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