Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drove back down from home up north, leg two of the event...3-1/2 hours, then chill'axed with a few artist friends for about an hour, and decided I would do my paint in the river thing.  Kinda funny...Anthony Sell took a really nice photo of me two summers ago painting in the river...and for some this seemed an odd thing to observe an artist doing this.  Its another day in the park for me, as I often stand in creeks, rivers..painting falls, rapids, etc., back home.  A good walking stick to test the bottom is a must.

I was looking into the sun...its direction, another backlit subject which is perhaps my favorite inclination.  I am not done with this work...I intend to use reds/oranges and neutrals to raise the sun glare off the bottom so that the strongest point of sun glare is about at the lower left rule of thirds juncture point.  Will also play more color/values into the darker left corner.  You can see by the smaller image where I'm talking.

painting is 10"x 20"  (click on images to see larger)

Just got too difficult at one point in the river making finishing judgments, and getting dark I needed to work my way out of the waters and get stuff back to my truck.  The edges were soft, muddy...deep...lost my left muck shoe at one point.  Not for the feint of heart I suppose...

Then, getting cleaned up...I headed downtown...met up with Anthony who stood in a marvelous alley way and light.  I went around the corner, and the historic movie theater often frustrates and disappoints painters with nocturne interests because it is such a site and neat thing to see lit up, but at about 9-10pm those marquee lights will go off...period!  But...standing on the corner and seeing it with its lights off...lit up from the corner street light held its own intrigue for me.  That, and the tavern down the street juxtaposed with its bright red, that settled it for me!

12"x 9"  (and...I do have to adjust the pole nearer the top where it appears bent.  Got to be about 1:45am when I was just too tired, and decided I had it done enough that only a minor touch up today would be necessary...


Yorky said...

Wonderful work Larry, especially the nocturne.


Larry Seiler said...

Thanks Doug...of the ten pieces or so...can only submit two for jurying. Should be interesting...