Sunday, November 27, 2011

More digital painting...Howard Johnson...

Spent a cold cold afternoon til dark in the woods...then the last three hours doing more work on my digital painting of Howard...this time, his left hand and more of the tuba...and after three hours it occurs to me this sure seems to be taking more time than I first imagined.  Having fun, so that's not an issue...but my eyes are blurring and going bonkers.  Time to stop for the night...and put it to rest...

 always, clicking on image brings up larger view...


Yorky said...

Hi Larry, sounds as if it would be much quicker to paint!


Larry Seiler said...

at this point, you may be right...Doug. My work of David Crosby went faster...but, there is yet much to learn for me of this medium. I'm sure my son, Jason...could pound this one out over night or within a couple days.

As I get more adept I'm sure speed will come. But, the digital image also gives options...

duanetheartist said...

Nice work so far! Looks like your doing just fine with digital!