Saturday, October 29, 2011

Webinar for Tuesday November 1st (session 4)- "Imbuing Harmony & Unity with Undertones""

This Tuesday I'll be teaching/sharing how to force a unity and harmony to a painting with undertones, reds that excite nature's greens, undertones for wiping out and sculpting/fleshing out a waterfalls, and a video painting a recent plein air last hour's light Fall scene, in an Impressionist styled approach.

November 1st, 7pm EST  Go To is the registration link-(note- you only have to register once, if already registered you will receive an email)
Go To Meeting With Larry Seiler- Session 1

Here is the outline for Tuesday night-

Imbuing Harmony & Unity thru Undertones

     with artist/instructor Larry Seiler


                  Undertones give the painter a great deal 
                  of creative freedom and license to the level 
                  of finishing of a work.

                  Less finishing…the painting has a more 
                  abstract contemporary flare.  Certain colors 
                  will complement or excite the palette.


I.                    Our Deficit as Painters of Light-     

a)           Edgar Payne’s analysis

b)           Undertones and how they excite

c)            Warm, neutral…or any color

d)           partial undertoning

II.                Video- “Last Light Impressions”

a)          Palette setup

b)          Composing & Mid Value block-in

c)           Sky trick taught by Emile Gruppe

d)          Sky Holes or Sculpting Trees

e)          Finishing…and assessing the experience

III.            Questions/Answers

If you have not seen this video among my instructionals at YouTube as yet, seven minutes in length...shows wiping out as a method to flesh out this falls scene...and may refer to it briefly during the session Tuesday night... 


Yorky said...

Magic how all the tones appear Larry.


Larry Seiler said...

just a magician sharin' his tricks, Doug...demystifying so others can in turn mystify!