Monday, September 12, 2011

Webinars To Begin...

The first four lessons are set, how many sessions each lesson requires as a live webinar depends on participants, questions and answers.  The idea is to challenge, to give out assignments.  The webinars will be "free" attend, using "Go To Meeting" ...and from what I understand folks will have an option to purchase recorded sessions, which will be nice if they miss...or something in particular about one session that hit home has to be acquired.

Dates targeted to begin are set for Tuesday evenings, 7pm EST...starting October 4th...thru November the 1st... 
Participants will then be encouraged to follow-up in a Forum that will be set up for me in the "Partner- Wetcanvas Live"...where artists can upload images from their assignments, field questions, receive comments and critiques.  Listed below are the first four lessons to be covered...

I.Composition for the Painter
II.120 Paintings- (the advantages of one hour dailies)
III.From the Literal to the Suggestive- Painterly Realism
* the place of the Gesture in painting
* advantages of the limited palette
* developing a color language
* building on deliberate purposeful brushwork
IV.Imbuing Harmony and Unity With Undertones

Now I'll make a confession, I am not an expert on Go To Meeting, but I have taught art instruction since 1979...and the first couple sessions will teach me something on working this communication medium, and together we'll grow with this.  I have some great tools on my system to make good presentations and discussions.  Hope to have you join me...


Yorky said...

The very best of luck with your webinars Larry. They start at midnight UK time, but I'll try and attend.


Sharon Lynn Williams Fine Art said...

Hi Larry: Best of luck with this! I have sent your blog link to some of my students to enjoy.

Larry Seiler said...

woo...that'll be wee late, Doug...should we be great to have you!

Thanks Sharon.. 8^)

Martha said...

FUN !!! If I'm right that's 3 p.m. Alaskan time :)

Squeaky Swan said...

Oh wow! I just stumbled upon this! I will surely sign up. Thank you!!