Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Second Session...Camp 20...Split-Comp Tetrad palette...14"x 18" oil

Mad rush to the site...as I was needed to take down apart our Select Number bed that is having some problems, replace it with a bed from another bedroom...and that done...out to my spot by around 5pm...but, just about the right time...though, only about an hour to do more work on this.  It is for me an experiment and I know it may sound weird, sometimes I paint for myself "the artist"...and sometimes to connect with the teachings of others and better understand as "the art instructor" ...or educator.

I've painted with a good number of strategies, and have played much with the split-complementary palette.  Really feel I have that down.  This "tetrad" is a new experiment...and its been fun.  Think its given me some insights...

Here was what I was looking at for the last part of my hour tonight...or let's just say, why it would be ineffective to paint from a photo reference representing this time of day!  hahaa...

Here then progress, and not yet finished...though, I might be able to finish this returning earlier now...not thinking I so much need the late sun to touch up and paint what I need to...


Ida M. Glazier said...

Just beautiful----expresses that time of day when the sun in low, and the light is brillant across such things as snow and water, and dried weedy-things----I have felt this many times. You have done this really well - - -are you satisfied??

Larry Seiler said...

thanks Ida...I vacillate between the artist in me, and the instructor in me..and satisfaction sometimes is difficult to measure. I value what I'm learning, if anything to teach, to have an opinion of...and that is satisfying for this. As an artist, I would have to perhaps paint it with a couple other more familiar strategies and compare I think. A few things yet to work out, adjust on this one...and I'll likely be going back today..