Shiva...which can be painted on a panel like oils, or
watercolor paper like water media. Some interesting
stuff...nice matte finish, a bit like gouache. Can paint
over layers without muddying or lifting up. I understand
with a bit of varnish, will work as an underpainting for
oils as well...
7"x 10" on Cotman watercolor paper...

This next one on a 5"x 7" gessoed board panel...and I
was pleasantly surprised how well the covering strength
of this paint was. It seems like a nice marriage between my
use of acrylics and oils...and actually, I think I like the feel of
it better than the acrylics. Thus worry about the paint
drying too fast...and it sure seems a little paint out goes a
long way. Once again...clean up a snap...

I'll need a bit of practice to get the chroma strength I want on the
lighter/warmer end...and I sense it will call for more boldness on
my part which is never a bad thing.
I like this stuff so far, and where travel and solvents are a concern
with oils, I could see pulling out the caseins definitely. I have a
second Guerrilla paint box now set up with the stuff.
Larry, I really like both of these paintings. I saw the Mill Pond painting that you posted to the DP Marketplace and thought it was really stunning. Love the extremely effective use of color in pushing back the background. This is one of my recent favorites of yours. Peaked my interest in the new paints, too! I've used the Shiva paint sticks but hadn't heard about these paints. Will check them out. Was wonderfing if you used an underpainting with these paints. As always, thanks for the info and inspiration!
thanks Doris...
Richeson has restored actually an ancient paint in their Shiva line, casein having a milk protein binder...think nearly goes back to the time of the Egyptians...
I'm just experimenting now...the first painted direct on white watercolor paper, the second...I laid a wash of casein color (greenish-yellow) on a gessoed panel. I was wondering how it would cover, since the panel was a grayish neutral to begin with...but when they say these paints are opaque, they're not kidding!
I'll play more with them...for sure! Thanks
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