Thursday, September 27, 2007

Old Truck put to Pasture- Oil Painting 12"x 12" more...
this one took a couple days instudio...a dab here
and there...

12"x 12" oil-

Be sure to click on the image to see a much larger and
satisfying view!

Any questions on purchasing my work, feel free to contact
me. I understand most have recovered from my bite. ;^)


Tim Bye said...

Wowzers Larry I LOVE this - it just totally works. I love the way you paint foliage too. tremendous stuff

Hattermad said...

you put the icing on the cake wi' this one...from the grass to the rust, i can almost smell the scene, feel the rough rust and smooth old

supermaine said...

Nicely done. You captured the real look of an old truck with your painting... the rust on the top , side, and front of the car looks very realistic

Larry Seiler said...

thanks much everyone...appreciated

they're fun to paint..