Sunday, September 23, 2007

2 plein air weekend, UP Michigan...Lake Superior

It was a most gorgeous weekend in Michigan's Upper our cabin, and along the shores of Lake

The first is a 7"x 12" oil...on birch panel

this second, done this morning along the northeastern
rocky shores of Presque Isle, just north and part of
Marquette, Michigan...

...a 9"x 12" oil on primed birch panel...

Click on the paintings to see a larger image view


SEILER said...

These are awesome Dad, love the structure and composition of the rocks, and I really love the brushwork! I'm going on a short vacation soon, will bring my painting gear and get outside finally!

Larry Seiler said...

Good to hear...should be fun paintin'

I enjoy looking at paintings many months later, done when I was somewhere relaxing and enjoying myself. Paintings have a way of really triggering the senses, remembering how the light felt, the breezes, sounds...and so forth

Was wonderin' how you were doin, haven't heard much lately...

thanks for looking and commenting!

Love ya...


Tim Bye said...

I feel like I need to cover my eyes from the sun in the top pic - talk about capturing light! wonderful